
The Ciciriello Group

The history of Ciciriello Group originates in the 1980s in the city Castel del Monte. Castel del Monte.

In these places steeped in history and traditions, among the luxuriant olive trees and cathedrals, Giovanni Ciciriello, a dealer with a forward – looking business vision, lays the first brick of his company, transmitting dreams and projects to his sons.


Each brand has its vocation, its space, its vision of the future. 

Ondaluce, Capodarte, Bluelife e and Lux illuminazione are today estabilished and appreciated brands.

Four variants in the lighting and furnishing sector of unmistakable Italian style, that quickly crossed national borders, captivating markets all over the world. 

This is the number that Ciciriello Goup developed:

Agents in Italy
Foreign agents
sqm - Total surface

From father to son

Today Alessandro is the director of Ciciriello Group, while Riccardo is entrusted with the role of human resources manager. Alessandro Ciciriello, with great dedication, sacrifice and perseverance has turned the dreams of the “patron” Giovanni into important reality, always at pace with new ideas, products and technologies.

Sales network

Our sales network is made up of 70 Italian and foreign agents, expert in furniture and lighting sector. We are currently present in over 2000 Italian showroom and in 200 European and Russian stores

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